Office Address

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope

Phone Number

+(090) 8765 86543 85

+0989 7876 9865 9

Email Address


Results in 4 months
Monthly Overall Sales: Increased by $131 167,32
Monthly ADS Sales: Increased by $63 550.13
Monthly ADS Spend: Increased only by $25 064.71
ACoS: Improved from 46.93% to 41.08%


$43 413.13
$8 407.05
$17 921.34

Overall Sales
ADS Spend
ADS Sales

$174 580.45
$33 471.76
$81 471.47

Background & Challenges:

The client, a seller in the Health & Household category, had experienced a significant decline in both organic and ad sales. Their previous agency had failed to manage their Amazon PPC campaigns effectively, leading to a sharp reduction in ad budget and a consequent loss of organic ranking. This mismanagement left the client frustrated and concerned about their ability to recover their market position.

Client’s Fear:

  • Fear of Losing Market Position: The client was anxious about their declining organic ranking and its impact on overall sales.
  • Fear of Inefficient Ad Spend: The client was worried that their ad budget was being wasted on poorly optimized campaigns.
  • Doubt in Achieving Growth: After a disappointing experience with the previous agency, the client was skeptical about their ability to see meaningful results on Amazon.

Our Solution:

  1. Detailed Account Audit:
    We conducted a thorough audit to identify the root causes of the client’s declining sales. Our analysis uncovered numerous mistakes made by the previous agency, including the deactivation of important keywords and ASINs, which had severely impacted the client’s organic ranking and sales. We presented these findings in a clear, actionable report, reassuring the client of the potential for recovery and growth.
  2. ICP Fear Addressed:
    We provided transparency and clarity, helping the client understand the flaws in their previous strategy and regain confidence in their advertising efforts.
  3. Strategic Campaign Optimization:
    We meticulously optimized the existing campaigns by reactivating relevant keywords and ASINs, adjusting bids, and increasing the Top of Search placement to drive more traffic. We also implemented budget rules to ensure that campaigns remained active throughout the day, maximizing their effectiveness.
  4. ICP Fear Addressed:
    Our approach minimized wasted ad spend and improved the client’s return on investment, directly addressing their concerns about inefficiency.
    Implementation of the “SHOT” Campaign Structure:
    We introduced our proprietary “SHOT” campaign structure, designed to create a balanced and effective PPC strategy. This included launching Sponsored Brand campaigns to enhance brand awareness, Sponsored Display campaigns to defend listings and capture competitor traffic, and a reallocation of the budget to high-potential areas.
  5. ICP Fear Addressed:
    By implementing a structured and transparent system, we ensured that the client had a clear view of their campaign performance and could make informed decisions moving forward.

Client’s Fear Overcome:

The client’s initial fears of losing market position, inefficient ad spend, and inability to achieve growth were successfully addressed. Our strategic interventions not only stabilized their ad account but also led to significant growth in both organic and ad sales, restoring their confidence in their ability to compete on Amazon.

$17 921.34


$81 471.47


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