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123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope

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+(090) 8765 86543 85

+0989 7876 9865 9

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Client Results in 9 Months:
Monthly Overall Sales: $63 627.62
Monthly ADS Sales: $20 856.93
Monthly ADS Spend: $4 092.73


$90 400.00
$10 378.28
$36 248.10

Overall Sales
ADS Spend
ADS Sales

$154 027.62
$14 471.01
$57 105.03

Background & Challenges:

The client, a seller in the competitive Home & Kitchen niche, was facing stagnation in their sales growth. Despite having a solid product line, their Amazon advertising campaigns were severely underperforming. The previous agency had relied heavily on automated software to manage campaigns, leading to poorly optimized ads that drained the budget without yielding significant results. The client was unaware of how their account was being handled, leading to frustration and a loss of confidence in their advertising efforts.

Client’s Fears:

  • Fear of Wasted Ad Spend: The client was concerned about their budget being squandered on ineffective campaigns.
  • Lack of Transparency: They were in the dark about how their campaigns were being managed and feared they were losing control over their marketing efforts.
  • Doubt in Achieving Growth: After disappointing results, the client doubted whether they could achieve meaningful sales growth.

Our Solution:

  1. Thorough Account Audit: We began by conducting an in-depth audit to identify the key issues. The audit revealed numerous inefficiencies, including the use of irrelevant keywords, unoptimized bids, and a lack of negative keyword strategies. We presented these findings to the client in a detailed report, highlighting the significant opportunities for improvement.
  2. ICP Fear Addressed: We provided clarity and transparency, helping the client regain control over their advertising strategy.
  3. Strategic Campaign Optimization: Our next step was to overhaul the existing campaigns. We removed unprofitable keywords, optimized bids and placements, and introduced a robust negative keyword strategy. The budget was reallocated to the most promising areas, and we implemented new A/B testing for images to boost conversions. As a result, we increased CTR and reduced CPC, driving more profitable traffic to the client’s listings.
  4. ICP Fear Addressed: By minimizing wasted spend and maximizing ROI, we addressed the client’s fear of ineffective advertising.
  5. Implementation of the “SHOT” Campaign Structure: To bring structure to the client’s campaigns, we introduced our unique “SHOT” campaign strategy. This involved creating new, targeted campaigns, reinvesting the savings from optimizations into high-potential areas, and organizing products into portfolios for better performance tracking. This systematic approach allowed the client to easily see which products were performing well and where improvements were needed.
  6. ICP Fear Addressed: Our structured and transparent system gave the client clear visibility into their campaign performance, restoring their confidence and enabling them to make informed decisions.


Our strategic interventions led to significant improvements in the client’s ad performance, resulting in increased overall sales, improved ad spend efficiency, and a lower ACoS. The client’s initial fears were addressed, and they were finally able to see the growth they had been striving for.

$90 400.00

Monthly Overall Sales

$154 027.62


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