Office Address

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope

Phone Number

+(090) 8765 86543 85

+0989 7876 9865 9

Email Address


Results in 9 months
Monthly overall sales increased by $70 718.30
Monthly AD sales increased by $36 191.00
Monthly AD spending increased only by $14 205.48


$94 257.10
$9 768.03
$26 790.91

Overall Sales
ADS Spend
ADS Sales

$165 075.40
$23 973.51
$62 981.91

Background & Challenges:

Our client, a prominent player in the grocery and gourmet food sector, faced a frustrating cycle of disappointing results despite multiple attempts with various agencies. The lack of a cohesive strategy led to suboptimal ad performance, leaving the client skeptical about their investment and worried about finding a solution that truly worked.

Client’s Fears:

  • Fear of Ineffective Spending: The client was concerned about continuing to waste money on underperforming advertising strategies.
  • Lack of Effective Strategy: After previous failures, the client feared that their advertising efforts would never yield the desired results.
  • Inability to Achieve Growth: Doubts loomed about whether they could ever see meaningful sales growth despite their investment.

Our Solution:

  1. Comprehensive Account Audit: We initiated our partnership with an in-depth audit to uncover the root causes of the client’s underperformance. This detailed audit revealed missed opportunities and inefficiencies, providing a clear roadmap for improvement. We presented these findings in a comprehensive report, offering transparency and clarity to the client.
  2. Fear Addressed: We alleviated the client’s anxiety by providing a clear and actionable strategy, restoring their confidence in our ability to manage their advertising efforts effectively.
  3. Strategic Campaign Optimization: We refined the existing campaigns by eliminating ineffective keywords, adjusting bids, and reallocating budget to high-performing areas. This optimization aimed to maximize the return on investment and improve overall ad performance.
  4. Fear Addressed: Our targeted approach reduced the risk of wasted ad spend and enhanced the efficiency of the advertising budget, directly addressing the client’s concerns about ineffective spending.
  5. Introduction of the “SHOT” Campaign Structure: To bring order and focus, we implemented our unique “SHOT” campaign structure. This involved creating new, strategically designed campaigns and organizing products into portfolios for easier tracking. The new structure allowed us to reinvest savings from optimizations into high-potential opportunities, driving substantial sales growth.
  6. Fear Addressed: By implementing a structured approach, we provided the client with visibility and control over their campaigns, addressing their fears of disorganization and inefficacy.
  7. Enhanced Ad Campaigns: We introduced Sponsored Display retargeting campaigns to reach users who had previously interacted with the products. Additionally, we launched Sponsored Brand ads to boost brand awareness and protect the brand’s market position. All these efforts were aimed at maximizing profitability through well-optimized Sponsored Product campaigns.
  8. Fear Addressed: Our comprehensive strategy tackled the client’s doubts about achieving growth, delivering measurable results and reinforcing their trust in our expertise.


Our strategic interventions led to a remarkable turnaround in the client’s ad performance:


  • Overall Sales: $94,257.10
  • ADS Sales: $9,768.03
  • ADS Spend: $26,790.91
  • ACoS: 36.46%


  • Overall Sales: $165,075.40
  • ADS Sales: $23,973.51
  • ADS Spend: $14,205.48
  • ACoS: 38.06%

Over the course of 9 months, our efforts resulted in a significant increase in monthly overall sales by $70,718.30 and a boost in ADS sales by $36,191.00, all while keeping the ADS spending below the expected increase.

Client’s Fear Overcome: The client’s initial concerns about ineffective ad spending, lack of strategy, and growth were effectively addressed, demonstrating that with the right approach, significant sales growth is achievable.

$94 257.10

Monthly Overall sales

$165 075.40


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